150 ml anticellulite gel
150 ml anticellulite gel
CANNABO Cellugel plus contains cannabidiol (CBD), i.e., oil extract from hemp plant obtained by supercritical CO2 extraction, with proven absence of herbicides and pesticides. CANNABO Cellugel plus does not contain THC (9-delta tetrahydrocannabinol) i.e., it contains less than 0.2%. Skin is the largest organ in the body, in which structures that have a modulatory effect on local blood and lymph flow, on sweat gland function and on immune and inflammatory responses are found. Surface layer of the skin (epidermis) has receptors of the endocannabinoid system to which CBD binds, in turn manifesting anti-inflammatory and/or immunomodulatory effect. In addition, CBD exhibits strong antioxidant properties and by neutralizing free radicals can help in reducing damage to cells, especially in connective tissue and the wall of blood vessels, thus reducing inflammatory processes in the skin. Cellulite occurs as a result of reduced microcirculation in subcutaneous tissue, fluid retention with disrupting structure of connective tissue and deposition of fats that lead to skin becoming rough and uneven. Manifestation of cellulite, primarily as an aesthetic problem, can be caused by various reasons that lead to impairment of microcirculation: changes in hormonal regulation, irregular and improper diet and physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol consumption and more. CANNABO Cellugel plus is an innovative formulation for reducing, disappearing and preventing appearance of cellulite, as well as for detoxification and revitalization of the skin structure with signs of cellulite. Use of CANNABO Cellugel plus improves microcirculation, permeability of blood capillaries and structure of connective tissue, that leads to achieving smoother appearance of the skin. This formulation contains CBD (Cannabidiol) and extracts of ivy, horse chestnut, grape vine seed, gotu kola, caffeine and vitamin E in a balanced ratio. Ivy extract (Hedera helix) contains hederagenin, which improves circulation and can help reducing swelling. Gotu kola (Cantele asiatica) helps improving blood circulation and strengthens capillaries. Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) can have positive effects on lymphatic drainage and can help reducing swelling, redness and bloating. Grape vine seed extract (Vitis vinifera) contains oligomeric proanthocyanin – one of the strongest natural antioxidants that reduces fluid retention, improves circulation, and has a special effect on maintaining skin elasticity. Caffeine activates enzymes that break down fats in tissues with cellulite. Caffeine also helps in preventing formation of new fatty deposits, improves skin firmness and restores its elasticity. Vitamin E protects epidermal lipids, as well as skin’s collagen and elastin fibers from harmful effects of environment and smoothers and softens the skin. CANNABO Cellugel plus innovative formulation, with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action of CBD, supplemented with the action of extracts of ivy, gotu kola, horse chestnut and grape vine seeds, protects and detoxifies skin, retains its moisture, strengthens contours and contributes to revitalization of skin structure with signs of cellulite.
CANNABO Cellugel plus is applied twice a day on critical parts of the body that have cellulite. The gel is applied with circular continuous movements for 30-60 seconds. When using gel, redness of skin and slight tingling may occur due to the effects of the constituent ingredients, and not due to hypersensitivity. This feeling disappears in a short time. Eye contact should be avoided when using this product. CANNABO Cellugel plus is intended for external use only.
CANNABO Cellugel plus should not be used on damaged skin or skin with wounds. CANNABO Cellugel plus should not be used if hypersensitivity to any anticellulite gel ingredient exist.
150 ml CANNABO Cellugel plus антицелулитниот гел содржи природен екстракт од канабис кој обезбедува 150 mg CBD (Cannabidiol екстрахиран од растението коноп).
Природен CBD преку антиоксидативното дејство помага во намалување на оштетување на клетките, посебно на сврзното ткиво, ѕидот на крвните садови и ги намалува воспалителните процеси во кожата.
Екстракт од бршлен ја подобрува циркулацијата и го намалува отокот.
Готу кола ја подобрува циркулацијата и ги зајакнува капиларите.
150 ml CANNABO Cellugel plus anticellulite gel contains natural cannabis extract which provides 150 mg CBD (Cannabidiol extracted from hemp plant). Natural CBD through its antioxidant action reduces cell damage, particularly of the connective tissue, blood vessel walls and reduces skin inflammatory processes.
Ivy extract improves circulation and reduces swelling.
Cantele asiatica improves circulation and strengthens capillaries.
Wild chestnut seed extract improves lymph drainage and toxins elimination.
Vine leaf seed extract reduces liquid retention, improves circulation and maintains skin elasticity.
Caffeine activates liquid disintegration enzymes, prevents formation of fatty deposits, improves skin firmness and elasticity.
Vitamin E protects epidermal lipids, collagen and elastin fibers, soothes and softens the skin.
Box with a tube of 150 ml anticellulite gel
CANNABO Cellugel plus contains cannabidiol (CBD), i.e., oil extract from hemp plant obtained by supercritical CO2 extraction, with proven absence of herbicides and pesticides. CANNABO Cellugel plus does not contain THC (9-delta tetrahydrocannabinol) i.e., it contains less than 0.2%. Skin is the largest organ in the body, in which structures that have a modulatory effect on local blood and lymph flow, on sweat gland function and on immune and inflammatory responses are found. Surface layer of the skin (epidermis) has receptors of the endocannabinoid system to which CBD binds, in turn manifesting anti-inflammatory and/or immunomodulatory effect. In addition, CBD exhibits strong antioxidant properties and by neutralizing free radicals can help in reducing damage to cells, especially in connective tissue and the wall of blood vessels, thus reducing inflammatory processes in the skin. Cellulite occurs as a result of reduced microcirculation in subcutaneous tissue, fluid retention with disrupting structure of connective tissue and deposition of fats that lead to skin becoming rough and uneven. Manifestation of cellulite, primarily as an aesthetic problem, can be caused by various reasons that lead to impairment of microcirculation: changes in hormonal regulation, irregular and improper diet and physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol consumption and more. CANNABO Cellugel plus is an innovative formulation for reducing, disappearing and preventing appearance of cellulite, as well as for detoxification and revitalization of the skin structure with signs of cellulite. Use of CANNABO Cellugel plus improves microcirculation, permeability of blood capillaries and structure of connective tissue, that leads to achieving smoother appearance of the skin. This formulation contains CBD (Cannabidiol) and extracts of ivy, horse chestnut, grape vine seed, gotu kola, caffeine and vitamin E in a balanced ratio. Ivy extract (Hedera helix) contains hederagenin, which improves circulation and can help reducing swelling. Gotu kola (Cantele asiatica) helps improving blood circulation and strengthens capillaries. Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) can have positive effects on lymphatic drainage and can help reducing swelling, redness and bloating. Grape vine seed extract (Vitis vinifera) contains oligomeric proanthocyanin – one of the strongest natural antioxidants that reduces fluid retention, improves circulation, and has a special effect on maintaining skin elasticity. Caffeine activates enzymes that break down fats in tissues with cellulite. Caffeine also helps in preventing formation of new fatty deposits, improves skin firmness and restores its elasticity. Vitamin E protects epidermal lipids, as well as skin’s collagen and elastin fibers from harmful effects of environment and smoothers and softens the skin. CANNABO Cellugel plus innovative formulation, with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action of CBD, supplemented with the action of extracts of ivy, gotu kola, horse chestnut and grape vine seeds, protects and detoxifies skin, retains its moisture, strengthens contours and contributes to revitalization of skin structure with signs of cellulite.
CANNABO Cellugel plus is applied twice a day on critical parts of the body that have cellulite. The gel is applied with circular continuous movements for 30-60 seconds. When using gel, redness of skin and slight tingling may occur due to the effects of the constituent ingredients, and not due to hypersensitivity. This feeling disappears in a short time. Eye contact should be avoided when using this product. CANNABO Cellugel plus is intended for external use only.
CANNABO Cellugel plus should not be used on damaged skin or skin with wounds. CANNABO Cellugel plus should not be used if hypersensitivity to any anticellulite gel ingredient exist.
150 ml CANNABO Cellugel plus антицелулитниот гел содржи природен екстракт од канабис кој обезбедува 150 mg CBD (Cannabidiol екстрахиран од растението коноп).
Природен CBD преку антиоксидативното дејство помага во намалување на оштетување на клетките, посебно на сврзното ткиво, ѕидот на крвните садови и ги намалува воспалителните процеси во кожата.
Екстракт од бршлен ја подобрува циркулацијата и го намалува отокот.
Готу кола ја подобрува циркулацијата и ги зајакнува капиларите.
150 ml CANNABO Cellugel plus anticellulite gel contains natural cannabis extract which provides 150 mg CBD (Cannabidiol extracted from hemp plant). Natural CBD through its antioxidant action reduces cell damage, particularly of the connective tissue, blood vessel walls and reduces skin inflammatory processes.
Ivy extract improves circulation and reduces swelling.
Cantele asiatica improves circulation and strengthens capillaries.
Wild chestnut seed extract improves lymph drainage and toxins elimination.
Vine leaf seed extract reduces liquid retention, improves circulation and maintains skin elasticity.
Caffeine activates liquid disintegration enzymes, prevents formation of fatty deposits, improves skin firmness and elasticity.
Vitamin E protects epidermal lipids, collagen and elastin fibers, soothes and softens the skin.
Box with a tube of 150 ml anticellulite gel